Monday, August 11, 2008

3 Summer movies - My take

I haven't gone for the blockbuster summer videos like the dark and sinister Batman sequel (no thank you.) I've seen: "The Visitor" (2 thumbs up), "Mamma Mia" (2 thumbs up) and "The Swing Vote" (eh - one thumb up maybe).

What I liked about "The Visitor" - it makes you think, it is more than just a movie about illegal immigrants (and does not revolve around the most commonly discussed illegal immigrants), I believe it accurately depicts some of the bureaucratic non-sense that happens every day in this country and it's about relationships.

What I liked about "Mamma Mia" - it's fun albeit implausible, but is a kind of calgon-take-me-away type of experience. Meryl Streep is great in her part. The scenery, costumes and dancing were fun-fun-fun. It was like eating dessert without the calories.

"Swing Vote" - um, ok, well, it has a positive message that every vote counts. That as much of a compliment that I can give it. With all the beer drinking and pizza eating, it did whet my appetite and it dawned on me that Inferno pizza (see last entry) was only a call away.

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