Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lessons From a Shattered Pot

About 2 weeks ago, there was quite a storm in P.V. To describe it in three words: 1) cold 2) rainy 3) windy. The Christmas lights were still on my back patio strung up and around plants and potters and the twinkling colors danced wildly as the night progressed. Observing this, I turned to my mother and said, "I hope my plants don't topple over" and magically just as I said that, I witness one dive over the edge and heard the crashing pot even with all my windows closed. Knowing this very likely could happen again, I donned on my raincoat and got my plants to safety. The next morning, I looked out my window to survey the damage. Well, my favorite pot - a handpainted Italian design - was smashed into a million little pieces but the contents - a jade plant from a former boyfriend- seemed to survive. It's a hearty little thing! Stout, robust and beautiful! I am happy to report the plant is doing well and the pot? I gathered up all the shards and saved them to make a mosaic. It's funny what or who we get attached to - life is fleeting - things and people come and go in our lives. It's how we pick up the pieces and move on with grace that matters. Who knew that a shattered pot and a hearty plant could bare such wisdom?

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