Sunday, January 13, 2008

Move to the Groove: My Two Left Feet

"Move to the Groove" is the name of an exercise class at my favorite gym, the Spectrum Health Club (To check out classes log on to Longingly, I have watched through glass doors, as women of all ages, sizes and dance abilities have worked up a sweat with a smile on their face. I 've watch since November. I finally summoned up the courage yesterday and brought along the "ok, I might make a total fool of myself infront of everyone but I will have fun doing it" attitude with me. Can you say "Two left feet?" As the dance steps progressed into a routine, I could not remember the first moves we just learned! Ack. So towards the end I just concentrated on the steps - forget the shoulders, the head, the arms, the hips - I must have looked like a spaz and towards of the end I was too tired and sweaty to care. I must admit, it was fun. So next week, you'll hear from me again on this subject!

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