Thursday, July 31, 2008

Princess Chunk & The Art of Happiness

In the wake of another business biting the dust, more commercial real estate left vacant and thousands more unemployed, I find myself searching for some news that appeals to my desire to be happy. It's not as vapid, self-indulgent, or head-in-the-sand as some will probably think. Life is short. It's the little things in life that can make a big difference.

One story that made me laugh outloud was about a very fat cat aptly name "Princess Chunk". I'm not sure if was the picture or the name that I found so amusing or a combination of the two. Whenever I chocolate cake with ice cream calls my name late at night, I will invoke the name "Princess Chunk" and see if my cravings disappear.

1 comment:

Temeculamom said...

That cat is so funny! She might not motivate me to be good, because she is pretty darn cute!