Monday, July 14, 2008

The Best Starbucks Location in California

There's been a lot of play on Starbuck's store closings and 600 stores is a lot of stores! I used to frequent Starbucks habitually when I was a road warrior traveling red-eyes and other crazy itineraries for work. Now, Starbucks is more of a treat than a neccessity. In fact, I would say, I haven't been to a Starbucks in the last 6 weeks. But when I do go, I am choosey about the location. There are several close by but there is one and only one that merits some recongition. It is located at the Golden Cove Plaze in Rancho Palos Verdes - practically where Hawthorne meets the sea. The view is spectacular and with outdoor seating and a firepit - this is one Starbucks that I hope is not on the list of impending Starbucks closures.

Coffee Crisis? Starbucks Closing 600 Stores
Effects of Economic Woes Hit the Coffee Shop Chain

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