Monday, June 23, 2008

My Turn: Rebuttal to responses to the letter to the edtior

To those who responded to the WSJ regarding my letter to the editor, I am glad I got you thinking. Type in the words "massive oil spill" into google and you will find over 473,000 hits. Oil dependence has a negative impact on the environment, economy and world relations. For those that called me selfish for my quiet enjoyment of the California coastline, who's calling the kettle black? As reported in the WSJ, there will be no relief in gas prices from new offshore drilling for another 10 years. No one likes gas at nearly $4+ gallon but more drilling isn't going to solve the problem. Buck up readers. Reliance on gas is not helping anyone. The time has come for change.

From the over-the-top, knee jerk reaction from several respondents, you would have thought I was advocating a moratorium on gasoline use in total. No. What I was suggesting was a commitment to new technology and energy sources rather than pouring more money into a limited resource, in which there is no immediate benefit to our economy. It's rather simple.

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