Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rock N Fish - Manhattan Beach

After a spectacular day at the beach, complete with a yummy picnic, good conversation and 5 hours of hot sunny weather, my friend and I were....PARCHED.

In our post-beach attire, we felt very comforable at Rock N Fish and ordered a large, cold, very perfect beer - Widmer Hefenweizen. It came with a wedge of lemon and was the color of peach juice, opaque and so, so, so very delicious.

Ah...happiness is... a fun day at the beach
...with the company of someone you enjoy
...and a nice impromptu surprise in the form of more good company over a cold icy beer on a steamy hot, sun-blazing day.

The food looked great. We vowed we'd come back for dinner. For their menu: check it out at

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