Thursday, October 30, 2008

Water therapy - rehabing a back injury

If you suffer from back aches or a back injury, I can not say enough good things about water therapy. This is different from water aerobics which has its own benefits. Water therapy - like land-based physical therapy - is provided by a licensed physical therapists. So before you begin, you need a referral from a doctor and don't expect to be in the pool the first day. The first day is reserved for a full evalation.

What you can expect from water therapy.
Based on my own experience, the sessions begin with a warm up where you walk through water - heel to toe keeping your abs engaged for several laps This is then followed by side steps for another set of laps followed by walking backwards. Then the physical therapists gives instructions on various exercises which are typically are done in two sets, 15 reps on each side. This all sounds easy but if you do it in perfect form - and go twice a week and try to practice in between, you will feel stronger and will notice better range of motion and increased endurance. The flexability issue takes awhile.

It's been really interesting to meet other patients and learn of their injuries and how well they are responding to aqua therapy. There is one woman who has had her upper and lower vertabrae replaced - wow - I called her the million dollar woman. She had her surgery at Cedars Sinai 4 months ago and showed me the "zipper" in the back of her neck. I was amazed.

So if you have a back problem and were not aware of this option - I encourage you to find out more about aqua therapy.

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