Friday, January 23, 2009

Bottlenose Dolphins off of Palos Verdes

This week after reading "Dolphin birth a magical reward for volunteer spotters off Palos Verdes", and watching the dolphins cavort off Redondo Beach shores while walking the Esplanade, I thought it was a great time to volunteer and help these wonderful creatures.

At 9 am this morning, I showed up at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center, borrowed a powerful pair of bincolulars and met 2 women who have volunteered in the ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project for 20 years. Although I did not spot whales, for a good 10 minutes I followed a large pod of bottlenose dolphins headed south along the coastline, near the kelp beds. And I did see one sea lion jump out of the water and plop back in.

The rain came at 10:30 and cut the visabilty down..and it was cold! So I headed home, with feeling that somehow, I had contributed even in a small way to my neighborhood under the sea.

Here's a blurb from the LA Times Outpost: The volunteers see things both mundane and miraculous as they monitor goings-on in the San Pedro Channel daily from sunup to sunset. If you'd like to volunteer, call Alisa Schulman-Janiger at (310) 519-8963 or e-mail Or simply show up and ask how you can become involved.

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