Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finally Tried Pinkberry

With the growth of Pinkberry, it piqued my curiosity but I never seemed to be inspired enough to try it. Finally I did, with the encouragement of a friend. We ordered a regular with almonds and a green tea with chocolate bits. They were good - the tartness of yogurt came through - unlike other frozen yogurts and it was an interesting experience. I like the futuristic hip interior although with ABBA playing loudly, we opted for the CA fresh air and sunshine. Would we try it again. I think so. I especially liked the green tea which has a strong flavor. On the other hand, at $3.50 a cup with topping, I would be more apt to splurge on good ice cream.

1 comment:

Temeculamom said...

My 10 year old son has been pestering me to take him to spend his allowance at Pinkberry, but we don't have one close by. When we got online, and he saw how few flavors there were (and not super kid tempting flavors) he decided to stick with Yogurtland. :) BTW, I love that version of "Over the Rainbow". It's been on my ipod for a long time. Okay, I'm done taking over your blog today. Just came across it this morning and had a few extra minutes. Very interesting.